Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Final Reflection for YouTube Class 533

I have absolutely loved this class and all of its specifics, standards and ethics surrounding digital citizenship and creating content.  I found myself very reflective after each video because I used each task/project to create content that I would absolutely use later either for my students or for other educators that I may be training.  YouTube is a powerful tool for educators!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Interactive PLN videos - Bringing It To A New Level

Another incredible learning journey with creating an interactive video on YouTube that links seven videos teaching others how to build their personalized learning network using the annotations feature that YouTube offers.  I also created a storyboard that gives specific information on how these interactive videos were created.  I chose the topic of Building Your PLN because there are so many ways that educators can become connected with others and the key is to find that platform that will enable you to connect, collaborate and share with others beyond your classroom walls.  This video gives examples of four ways to build and then two ways to organize your PLN.  This map gives you a visual of how these videos are connected to make it interactive.

mind mapping software

Here is a link to the STORYBOARD that gives a detailed description of these process.