This assignment was to record a vlog (video blog), upload it to YouTube and add a closed caption track. I didn't realize how popular vlogging is on YouTube, but many types of people vlog for many purposes. This can provide users a great research tool for areas they want to learn about.
This assignment's topic was to create a vlog about the pros and cons of YouTube in Education. This process involved creating a script, using key words to create a slide presentation through, uploading that to a google presentation. Then I added the script, recorded the presentation through Camtasia, and inserted it into my project.
I needed to add myself talking as most vlogging does and wanted to try a green screen. This is something that I need more practice on. I recorded myself talking about my presentation that I embedded into a mac book on screen. This was difficult to get the timing down for the picture coming up and me talking about that pro or con. Sometimes, it sounded rushed and often the next slide came up just as I was finishing up. I am very excited about learning more about editing because I wish that I could have edited parts that I messed up speaking. I realized that I sometimes don't annunciate my words well enough and it was hard to hear endings.
I very much enjoyed the closed captioning part. I love typing so that part was fairly easy. I really want to use that more with my student made videos. That way they can read it! :)
YouTube is trying to help teachers and I can't wait to share what I've been working on with them to help teachers find quality content faster.